Graduate student of the Department of General and Slavic Linguistics,
Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University,
Odesa, Ukraine
ORCID ID–0002–2855–3657
The purpose of this article is to identify, analyze and evaluate verbal and non-verbal social-status markers of the characters of Ivan Karpenko-Kary’s play «One Hundred Thousand». The object of study is the means of lingual and non-lingual behavior that contain information about the social status of certain characters in this play. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the set of social-status means of depicting characters and the mechanism of the author’s use of these means. In the research process, procedures of cognitive, semantic, sociolinguistic, non-verbal analysis methods, descriptive method were used. As a result of the research of lingual and non-lingual means and mechanisms of the author’s expression of the property, status, gender, and legal statuses of artistic characters, as well as the assessment of some evolutionary social status processes that took place at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries in Ukrainian society, the author came to certain conclusions. In the role of verbal means, for the most part, lexemes of the relevant discourses, phraseological units, and some syntactic constructions act. The role of non-verbal means is mainly the situational behavior of the characters described by the author, which refers to their facial expressions, movements, emotions, behavioral reactions to certain actions and lines.
Key words: social status, marker, verbal, non-verbal, artistic character, means of expression, Ivan Karpenko-Kary.
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