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pdfMirosław Kordowski

prof. dr hab., University of. Adam Mickiewicz,
Poznań, Poland


ORCID ID–0002–2110–1113


Key words: esthetics, development, sensitivity, harmony, personality, art.


The contemporary world demands from us the constant learning and stimulating the social and professional activity. Such actions should be introduced as early as possible, applied to little children, at nurseries and schools since “As the twig is bent...” That is why we should focus on the comprehensive development of a child but take into account their individual needs. The importance of music in this area is crucial because music is, among other things, harmony. Its influence on psychosomatic system was proved in the ancient times and it is an obvious fact. The relations with music has a substantial influence on development of personality, the comprehensive development of a child, and in the future — of an adult. That is why such activities should be introduced at the earliest. It is significant to maintain the importance of individual human being because only such approach can result in development. Nothing should be imposed. There cannot be any randomness. The size and proportions should be applied to the real needs, there cannot be redundancy of experiences, as in other areas-there should be moderation. In all the activities a school plays a very important role, but not always we can observe a balance between curricular and extra curricular classes. It is possible to observe the imposing of common patterns and standards which results not in development but in impediment of individual creativity. Rising of esthetic sensitivity
should be carried in competent way at the earliest age and in such a way the abilities to retrieve he impressions by means of senses. And here the generally understood art should be the means of shaping the personality because the relation with art leads to comprehensive development of an individual human being.

Having conducted the Brass Orchestra at Vocational Fire Brigade at Cultural Centre in Koronowo I noticed all these phenomena. Playing in the orchestra is not only musical education but also developing such qualities as responsibility, punctuality, respect to a conductor and to the other participants, it means also learning history, arousing patriotism as well as the change of being sensitive to music, personal development and possibility of meeting other people, making acquaintances and forming friendships and, in the end- the sense of self-worth.


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