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Olena Steriopolo

Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Department of Germanic and Finno-Ugrian Philology, Kyiv National Linguistic University, Kyiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID https//


Key words: speaker, auditor, auditory analysis, acoustic analysis, text genre, reading, retelling, prepared speech, spontaneous speech, segmental features, phonetic word, distant harmonious assimilation, degree of reduction, enclitic, proclitic, intonation and its components.

The article reveals the methodology of developing and conducting an experimental phonetic analysis of speech which will facilitate the usage of substantiated approaches to collect material and describe it from different viewpoints. It illustrates a wide potential of valid approaches to phonetic investigations, as well as equips researchers with knowledge of how to correctly plan all the stages of a specific analysis, which will ultimately help them to avoid speculative assertions; instead, it offers an objective criterion of assessing the validity of the obtained


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