Authors and Reviewers
- Submitted manuscripts are reviewed with due respect for confidentiality of the authors, while authors entrust the editorial board the results of their research and creative efforts which can determine their reputation and career. Reviewers ensure the authors’ rights as regards non-infringement of confidentiality in case of disclosing personal and scientific data in the course of reviewing manuscripts. Reviewers have also the right to confidentiality which is supported by the editor. Confidentiality violation is allowed in case of dishonesty or fraud on the part of the author.
- The editorial board will not disclose any information regarding the manuscripts (including their receipt, contents, review status, criticism of the reviewers or final status) to any other persons except the author and reviewers. This provision includes requests to use materials for legitimate professional and scientific actions.
- The editorial board constantly emphasizes to the reviewers that the manuscripts submitted for expert examination are privileged and private property of the authors. Hence the reviewers and members of the editorial board will be respectful to the authors’ rights, abstain from public discussion of their works and avoid seizing the authors’ ideas to their own manuscripts. The reviewers are not allowed to make copies of the manuscripts to their own files or give the manuscripts to third parties, except for cases when the editor’s permission to do so is available. The reviewers shall return or destroy copies of the manuscripts after submitting their expert opinions. The editorial board does not keep copies of the rejected manuscripts.
- Comments of the reviewers are not published or disclosed in any other way without consent of the reviewer, the author and the editor.
- The authors must acquaint with the information on the confidentiality policy of the present collection before submitting the manuscripts, to see that reviews are anonymous, identities of the reviewers are not disclosed to the author or anyone else without the consent of the reviewers, and that in some particular cases, comments of the reviewers can be sent to third parties engaged in analyzing the same manuscript to help the reviewers gain better understanding during the examination process. The reviewers are informed of the final decision of the editorial board and the editor to accept or reject the manuscript.
Authenticity and plagiarism
Authors that send their articles to the editorial board must guarantee authenticity of the data presented in their works. In case of using the data of other scientists the authors of the articles must refer to their works in the list of references.
Multiple publication of one article
Authors are not allowed to send articles that were previously published.
Confirmation of scientific sources
Authors must specify and quote publications that were used during the research and writing of the scientific article.
Authorship of the article
Those ones who made a significant contribution to the research are considered to be coauthors. All coauthors must be acquainted with the final variant of the publication and agree to it. All coauthors of the article must be specified before sending the article to the editors.
Mistakes in the published articles
If the author of the article finds a considerable error or inaccuracy in the work that has already been published, he must report about it to the editor or responsible secretary of the magazine for searching the corresponding decision in order to solve that problem (reediting the magazine or publication introducing the corresponding corrections in another issue).
All problematic issues related to the revision of the articles are decided with the authors personally and openly and, as a rule, they do not have substantial contradictions. The editorial staff has never been sent any complaints about the editorial work (technical, scientific, linguistic, etc.) by the authors of the articles.
The editorial board of the journal "Naukovyi visnyk of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky: Linguistic Sciences" welcomes recommendations and suggestions (tel. +8(063)600-33-99; e-mail: