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pdfYuliia Stoianova

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Translation, Theoretical
and Applied Linguistics, State institution “South Ukrainian National
Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
Odesa, Ukraine

ORCID ID:–0001–8534–7617


Key words: Confucianism, the spirit of teaching, Lun Yu, Confucius Analects, Confucius.


The article analyzes the treatise of Confucius “Lun Yu”, which in terms of literature is the most important contribution to the development of education not only in China but also around the world. Confucianism (especially enlightenment ideas), represented by Confucius, is the mainstay of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation and is a spiritual support of the long-term development of the Chinese nation. Confucianism has played an indispensable role and significance in Chinese politics and society for over than two thousand years. In the long process of development of traditional Confucianism, the most fundamental reason why it can be distinguished from Taoism, Moism, yin-yang, as well as Buddhism, Western Christianity, Islam, etc. is the special attention to the moral education of people. Confucian education is a major focus of ancient Chinese education, it reflects the basic characteristics of Chinese classical cultural education and is an invaluable asset in the history of Chinese education and around the world. However, Confucian pedagogical thoughts have its own historical process of development, and its content and form of expression are not same at different historical stages, so to extract the essence and use the past for the present, we should first make a historical analysis of Confucian pedagogical thought.

Classic works of Confucius, Mencius, Records of Teaching, The Great Doctrine and a complete set of presented Confucian doctrines constitute the material for the study. The period of foundation of Confucian thought, the time when the theoretical foundations of Confucianism were laid, is analyzed


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