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Lidiya Derbenyova pdf

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor at Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine




Key words: onym, author, text, artistic world, hero, latent semantics.

The article explores the role of antropoetonyms in the reader’s horizon of expectation formation. As a kind of text in the text”, antropoetonyms are concentrating a large amount of information on a minor part of the text, reflecting the main theme of the work. As a text this class of poetonyms performs a number of functions: transmission and storage of information, generation of new meanings, the function of cultural memory, which explains the readers’ horizon of expectations

In analyzing the context of the literary work we should consider the function of antropoetonyms in vertical context (the link between artistic and other texts, and the groundwork system of culture), as well as in the context of the horizontal one (times’ connection realized in the communication chain from the word to the text; the author’s intention). In this aspect, the role of antropoetonyms in the structure of the literary text is extremely significant because antropoetonyms convey an associative nature, generating a complex mechanism of allusions. It’s an open fact that they always transmit information about the preceding text and suggest a double decoding. On the one hand, the recipient decodes this information, on the other – accepts this as a sort of hidden, secret sense.


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