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Savchenko Ye. Yu.pdf

Key words: emphasis, opposition, focalization, actual division of the utterance, theme, rheme.

The article reveals the principal notions of focalization, its functions and features (emphasis and contrast) and their influence on transforming the model of the prosodic structure of the actual division of the utterance.

Most frequently, focalization of a text fragment is prosodically expressed with a high register and extension of the tonal range, a raised loudness and a distinct pronunciation.

It is established that one of the most well-known factors of the transformation of the prototype prosodic model is the listener’s focus on the most important aspects of the message, the conveyance of the semantic interaction of the message’s specific aspects. Focalization is interwoven with the both possible manifestations of this function: logical stress (in case of the opposition of words) or emphatic stress is implemented by its means. Regarding the changes in the tone direction, it should be noted that this tonal feature does not participate directly in forming an intonation model of the discourse’s focalized structures. It has been observed that there exists a certain modification of the tonal contour formed under the influence of the illocutionary and phase factors and certain types of the subjective-modal meanings.

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