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pdfJoanna Skibska

dr, assistant professor, University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice, Poland


ORCID ID–0001–6096–3747


Key words: digital-numerical model, triple coding model, readiness to learn mathematics, maturity to learn mathematics, diagnosis of mathematical skills.


The following text concentrates on the readiness of a six–year–old child to learn mathematics. It presents brain organization of using numbers, paying special attention to existence of special network of nerve connections responsible for capturing changes in number, comparing sets of numbers and ordering numbers according to their physical and numerical size. The author com-pares the terms of readiness and maturity to learn mathematics, indicating their mutual relations, as well as presents available tools that serve estimating a child’s mathematical skills. Furthermore, she also discusses the researchers conducted on the group of six–year–olds in the scope of their maturity to learn mathematics in selected aspects.


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