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Victor Britsyn

Doctor of Philology, professor, chief researcherat the Institute of Linguistics of National academy of sciences of Ukraine.
Kiev, Ukraine.
ORCID ID:https: // orcid. org / 0000 – 0002 – 3243 – 7958


Key words: cognitive theory of modality, analysis of poetic text.

The article outlines the main provisions of the cognitive theory of modality and shows the possibilities of applying this theory in the process of describing poetic texts. The methodology of applying the cognitive theory of modality is demonstrated mainly on the material of the poetic works by T. Shevchenko. They exhibit an extremely wide palette of modal meanings and modal thought transitions. In particular, the visual perceptions presented here are an example of the verbal continuation of the talent of the wonderful artist. The article shows the innovation of T. Shevchenko in the modal organization of poetic texts, the correlation between his finds and new stylistic devices that were introduced by A. Pushkin who greatly enriched the literature.


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