Candidate of Philology, Assistant of the Department of Translation and Theoretical
and Applied Linguistics, State Institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky»
Odessa, Ukraine
ORCID ID–0002–0424–6783
Yuliia Stoianova
Master Student in Philology, State Institution South Ukrainian National Pedagogical
University named after K. D. Ushynsky
Odesa, Ukraine
ORCID ID–0001–8534–7617
Key words: translation studies, interrogative constructions, translation strategies, tactics and devices.
The article is dedicated to the problem urgent both for general linguistics and translation studies. In the focus of the analysis there are linguistic means of rendering English interrogative constructions in Ukrainian translation, as well as the study of the main translation strategies, tactics and devices. It has been concluded that the dominant one is the strategy of communicatively relevant translation, while the most widely occurred tactics are the tactic of rendering relevant information, the tactic of correct presentation and the tactic of linguistic and cultural adaptation. The analysis of the translation devices has revealed the predominance of such devices as contextual replacement, transposition, change of syntactic type, as for the complex devices — antonymous translation and the technique of semantic development. The perspective of the research is seen in the study of the peculiarities of rendering other communicative types in translation.
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