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Tetiana Stoianovapdf

teacher-trainee of Department of Translation, Theoretical and Applied Linguistics,
State Institution “South Ukrainian National University named after K. D. Ushynsky”
Odesa, Ukraine
ORCID ID–0002–0424–6783


Key words: official business style, international organization, regulatory document, linguistic and cultural features, grammatical differences.

The article is devoted to the study of the linguistic characteristics of official business style documents in English and Chinese. The relevance of the topic is explained by the growing pace of globalization, which requires the correct and accurate formation of international documents. The study is based on a comparison of stylistic and grammatical characteristics and rules for the composition of the text of an official business document, in particular declarations, conventions and resolutions in both languages. Consideration of the concepts of an international organization, an international document, a regulatory agreement, etc., allowed the exploration of the essence and importance of such institutions as the UN and UNESCO, which directly create the declarations, conventions and resolutions that are considered in the article. A review of existing studies on the functional styles of both languages ​​revealed the features of the formation of the official business style of the English and Chinese languages, and their influence on the features of the formation of official business documents. Familiarization with the latest work of scientists has allowed us to obtain more accurate and relevant research results. The purpose, aim and basic features of the regulatory documents of the Chinese and English languages ​​do not differ, however, certain speech differences are traced. The main differences of the Chinese official business style are explained by the influence of the linguistic and cultural features of this language, which include morphological features, rules for loan words formation in the Chinese language, and some grammatical features that are presented in the article. The main reason for the changes and the formation of the modern official business language was the transition from Wenyang to Baihua, but with the preservation of a significant number of Wenyang clericalism. The article presents and analyzes examples of the English and Chinese parts of documents, which made it possible to conduct a quantitative analysis and generalize the features of documents of both languages ​​at the syntactic level in the form of a table.


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