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Vladyslava Akkurtpdf

Candidate of Philology, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Translation and Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, State Institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”
Odesa, Ukraine
ORCID ID–0003–3542–3428


Key words: speech influence, neurolinguistic programming, suggestion, manipulation, persuasion, motivation, propaganda.

Words are usually used in their direct meaning, but often the information provided is hidden. Manipulation is used in almost all spheres of human activity — in politics, advertising, jurisprudence, literature, psychotherapy, training, informal communication, etc., that makes it relevant for researchers.

The article deals with the main points of view on linguistic manipulation as a complex psycholinguistic process and a kind of linguistic influence by the method of analysis, synthesis and generalization of scientific researches of native and foreign specialists in linguistics, psychology, rhetoric, neurolinguistic programming and discourse theory.

Although the manipulative capacity of language is increasingly becoming the object of various linguistic studies, the main complexities of studying the phenomenon of speech influence remain. They are due to the interdisciplinary nature of the subject matter, the confusion of different modes of influence in language practices, and the lack of a generally accepted classification of means and methods of manipulation in linguistics.

The main features of manipulation are: the hidden nature of the influence; the desire to subordinate the addressee of his will, change his views, perceptions, etc.; mastery of language and psychological skills; special linguistic organization of the text that contributes to errors in the interlocutor’s mind; lack of a defensive response from the addressee and the creation of the illusion of decision-making independence. Taken together, all these features distinguish linguistic manipulation from other forms of influence (rhetorically organized language, linguistic demagogy, propaganda, and neurolinguistic programming).


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