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Kateryna Ohiienkopdf

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign, Latin and Ukrainian Languages, State Institution “Luhansk State Medical University”, Rubizhne, Ukraine



Key words: quantitativity, quantifier, quantification, qualifier, advertisement, psychological impact, definite quantity, indefinite quantity.

The article is devoted to comparative investigation of advertisements of one cosmetic company written in different languages, in particular, we analysed quantifiers in English and Ukrainian Avon brochures on the grounds of their polycode nature.

The analysis of recent publications allowed us to notice that the investigations of both advertisements and the category of quantitativity are based on different theoretical and practical principles.

Being guided by already existing classifications of quantifiers in English and Ukrainian by S. O. Shvachko, V. M. Kondratiuk, O. S. Ananieva, we displayed morphological, structural and combinatory possibilities of quantifiers, textual modifications of numeral combinations in English and Ukrainian advertisements. We suggested main models of quantifiers, emphasizing an important role and functions of units which express definite and indefinite quantity.

Morphologically quantifiers are represented not only by numerals, but also by nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, their situational and idiomatic combinations, and even mathematical signs.

The study of structural and combinatory possibilities of quantifiers also showed morphemes-quantifiers, the usage of quantifiers with specifiers, qualifiers and rhematizers, the structures like n-в-1 (n-in-1), where n>1, as well as word-combinations and phrases synonymic to this structure.

All described morphological, structural and combinatory possibilities of quantifiers have a rather significant psychological impact in advertisements, emphasizing the advantages of some cosmetic goods and calling for trust to them. Besides, language means are supplemented by visual, graphic and sometimes sensory (olfactory) ones, which strengthen the influence on the consumer.


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