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Intersectional Utterances: Problems of Translating

Obraztsova O. M., Obraztsova O. V.pdf

Key words: interjectional utterance (sentence), pragmatic and communicative content, translation, adequacy of translation

The article considers the problem of translating vocatives (utterances-interjections). Vocatives concise form provokes their communicatively based multiple semantics. The authors ground up the necessity to take into account the Source text formal syntactic and punctuation features; show certain regularity and variation in translating vocatives, depending upon the utterances semantics. The conclusions are based upon the results of the complex comparative analyses of the vocatives form, communicative and pragmatic contents in the source texts as well as the ways of rendering original vocatives in the target texts. Special attention is focused at the level of the respective Source-Target texts fragments adequacy; revealing the inadequacy potential reasons and consequences.